Providing professional services for Wisconsin juvenile justice
Wisconsin Jouvenile Court Intake Association


Carey Guides and B.I.T.S Training

La Crosse County Administrative Center
212 6th St. North, La Crosse, WI
October 15th and 16th


ART Training

Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System (Madison, WI)
8010 Excelsior Dr. Ste 100, Madison, WI.
October 22nd and 23rd


2023-24 Board Meetings

Here are the dates for WJCIA Board Meetings for 2023-2024. All meetings are held at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells, and begin at 9am. All WJCIA members are welcome to sit in on Board Meetings. 

January - TBD
March - TBD
April- TBD
June - TBD
September 25th, 2024 (All Member Meeting at Conference) MINUTES from 2024
November 8th, 2024


Frank J. Crisafi Recognition Award

Do you have an co-worker or supervisor who works directly with Wisconsin's YJ youth? Are they amazing at what they do? Please consider nominating them for the Frank J. Crisafi Recognition Award presented by WJCIA at the annual conference!

The criteria to receive the award are as follows:

  • Be a current Intake Worker with direct work in Juvenile Court services (for a Wisconsin county or court attached)
  • Be a current WJCIA memeber
  • Have 5 years of relevant experience
  • Must display superior job performance, positive work relationships, and a commitment to the profession.

Deadline for the applications is AUGUST 1, 2024 and please check out our Recognition Award page for the application and other information.


County Referrals

Due to the constant changes in where to send out of county referrals, WJCIA has added options to where to send referrals to on the Intake Directory. A copy was recently sent to all email contacts we have, but if you have not received it or need a new copy please connect with Cathrina Dunnum at