To represent the interests of all of the juvenile court intake workers involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
To provide professional and educational standards for juvenile court intake workers.
To disseminate relevant information to juvenile court intake workers and other professionals concerned with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
To solicit input from the membership on issues pertaining to the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
To address the information and input received from juvenile court intake workers and other professionals concerned with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
To review and monitor proposed legislative changes to the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
To provide information to the membership and other juvenile justice professionals on proposed legislation and on the development of public policy.
To coordinate and provide training for juvenile court intake workers.
To continuously evaluate and upgrade the training provided to juvenile court intake workers.
To provide assistance to child welfare and juvenile justice professionals in the development of written court policies.
To pursue uniformity of the child welfare and juvenile justice systems while recognizing the uniqueness of each county.
Reaffirmed April 13, 2018