Board of Directors Election
As you may already know, WJCIA is responsible for an annual conference, publishing a newsletter, basic and advanced training, keeping current on any legislative changes in our respective area, maintaining the WJCIA website and other various responsibilities.
The Wisconsin Juvenile Court Intake Association (WJCIA) typically meets five to six times a year in the Wisconsin Dells. Board meetings occur on Fridays from 9am-12pm. Some of the committees meet on Thursday afternoon preceding the Board meeting, and some have breakfast meetings on the Friday morning prior to the board meeting. There are also some committees that only meet as needed. Committee chairs will inform committee members of the time and place of the meeting.
Board members are expected to serve on one or two committees. Committees include:
- Conference Committee: responsible for everything involved in planning each annual conference
- Legislative Committee: provides WJCIA membership with information regarding current legislation affecting YJ issues
- Curriculum Committee: responsible for updating and assisting with curriculums for Spring Training and other training opportunities.
- Membership Committee: coordinates recruitment of new association members
- Newsletter Committee: develops, coordinates the association’s newsletter (Prima Facie)
- Intake Directory: collects and maintains accurate information on each intake office in the state, and prepare the Intake Directory
- Bylaws Committee: reviews, updates, develops WJCIA bylaws/protocol
- Nomination Committee: coordinates the recruitment and receipt of nomination of candidates for the WJCIA Board of Directors
- Position Statements Committee: reviews current position statements and proposes changes as necessary
- Conference Site Committee: reviews and recommends sites for the annual conference
- Information Technology Committee: develops and maintains the WJCIA website
- Recognition Committee: review nominations and select recipient of the WJCIA annual recognition reward
Please check out our document outlining the expectations of serving on the board HERE
The election for the board of directors is held at our annual conference each year. If you are interested in having your name placed in nomination you will be asked to forward a paragraph about yourself and a 4x6 photo to Kari McKenna by September 1st. These will be included on the Nominations picture board with the other current/prospective board members at the annual conference prior to the election. For more information regarding becoming a Board member, please contact the Nomination Committee Chair, Kari McKenna, at or 608-269-8643.