Providing professional services for Wisconsin juvenile justice


LEGISLATIVE: Kris Fleming, Chairperson
The purpose of this committee is to provide the membership of WJCIA with information regarding current legislation affecting juvenile justice issues. This committee reviews pending legislation, provides legislative updates to the membership, and recommends positions to be taken by the WJCIA Board of Directors. This committee is the direct link between the Board of Directors and officials involved in the legislative process.

CURRICULUM: Sarah Socha, Chairperson
This committee is responsible for updating the curriculum for trainings including Spring Trainings and Carey Guides and BITS.

CONFERENCE: Cathrina Dunnam, Chairperson
This committee is responsible for the planning of the next year’s conference. This committee develops training curriculum, secures conference presenters and vendors, works out the arrangements with the facility, and handles all details regarding the conference. There are normally a few site visits during the year when the committee will meet at the facility the conference will be at. This committee provides information on conference progress to the full board on a regular basis.

MEMBERSHIP: Linzi Luck, Chairperson
This committee coordinates the recruitment of new WJCIA members, provides a current membership list to relevant committees, and reports to the board regarding membership status.

NEWSLETTER: Barb Holt, Chairperson
This committee is responsible for the development, coordination and supervision of the publication of each issue of Prima Facie, the association newsletter.

BYLAWS: Jodi Petersen, Chairperson
This committee is responsible for the review, update and sometimes development of the WJCIA bylaws, and notifying the Board and the President of relevant protocol.

NOMINATIONS: Kari McKenna, Chairperson
This committee coordinates the recruitment and receipt of nominations of candidates for the WJCIA Board of Directors.

POSITION STATEMENTS: Jodi Petersen, Chairperson
Responsible for reviewing WJCIA’s current Position Statements, revising them as necessary, and bringing a proposal to the Board for changes in wording, rationale, etc.

CONFERENCE SITE: Kenny Cyracus and Kathy Gourdine, Co-Chairpersons
Review and recommend sites for conference to Board of Directors

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Joy Lynn George, Chairperson
The information and technology committee is tasked with determining the ways and means of the organization’s communications with its members and others, making organizational tasks more effective and efficient, and forecasting future technological needs of the organization.This committee is also responsible for website updates, Facebook Page posts and emails sent to the membership.

RECOGNITION: Kari McKenna, Chairperson
Review nominations and select recipient of the Associations annual award - the Frank J. Crisafi Recognition Award to recongnize all the hard work done by those in this rewarding profession.

FINANCE: Melissa Williams, Chairperson

GRANTS: Stacy Ledvina, Chairperson

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